How to face work after Christmas break
Friday, January 5th, 2018
Gisela VilaBack to blogs >

5 Top Tips to face January
What are the chances that you'll wake up every morning this week, and wonder why on the earth the alarm is going off in the middle of the night?
Unfortunately for all of us, reality knocks on the door. Christmas is over and those happy days too. It's time to work!
It's normal to feel like this, even for the most enthusiastic employee. It's said that when returning to our usual routine of early nights and waking up in the dark can provoke what is known as 'social jet lag'.
The key issue is to how to get rid of this jet lag and return to reality.
Don't panic! We know how to make the return to work not as disappointing as you may think, so, here are five ways to get back to normality ASAP.
Take note and start implementing it TODAY!
- Create some breathing space
There's no need to run a marathon the first day back to work. Make thing easy to yourself and your team by taking things slowly. Firstly, prepare yourself a cup of coffee which will help you to keep your eyes open. Start with smallest things first, in order to build a to-do list and leave the more challenging duties for later on.
- Tackle your emails
We know its scary to look at your inbox after holidays. But the quicker you confront this challenging task, the quicker you get rid of it. Sorting your messages out by sender will help you to delete rubbish. And finally, priorities those emails that are more urgent to you, like your boss'.
- Avoid chasing people and holding meetings
Everybody is feeling a bit sluggish on their first days back and no one likes to be chased. Relax, not everybody is psychologically back to work yet, and the ones who are will be feeling like you are. Remember: There probably won't be anything to do that cant wait one more day.
- Make some changes
January is the month were big changes take place. Haven't you heard: 'New Year, new Life'? What we are talking about is making improvements in your everyday routine. Remember the 5 P's: Propper Planning Prevents Poor Performance. Follow your dreams, be ambitious and dream big. This year could be your year!
- Treat Yourself at the end of the day
Do something relaxing and indulgent, like a long bubble bath, a romantic meal out with friends or a binge-watch Game of Thrones. It could be anything you imagine as long as it involves being kind to yourself, that's the key goal!
Now relax, take it easy and let the New Year begin!